The Hearty Breakfast Bun

The owners of my Scottish holiday lodge were kind enough to let us stay 'til twelve, so that was enough time to have a tidy up of the house and its garden, and, of course, a hearty brunch to see me through the day: a sausage bun with beans and a potato cake lurking underneath. The requisite PG Tips couldn't be left out of the shot.

  • Bread bun
  • Sausages (these were Linda McCartney rosemary and red onion ones, found in all major supermarkets)
  • Beans
  • Potato cakes (actually brought up from England)
  • PG Tips and sweetener

  1. Preheat the oven to 200C and put the sausages in on a baking tray. Cutting them lengthways help the cook, and also makes them easier to arrange on the bun.
  2. After fifteen minutes, add the potato cakes to the baking tray
  3. After another ten minutes, boil the kettle and put the beans in the microwave in a suitable container to warm them up.
  4. Cut the bread bun open if it isn't already. Make the tea to your liking, mix the beans to properly distribute the heat, and place everything artistically on your bun.

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